Robust Tech's SEO Review Services

These reviews are designed for those wanting to attain enough information to understand how the search engines are spidering your website, what they are reading, how your content can be optimized, and what is required to beat out your competition and attain (and maintain) top search engine positioning.

We offer two paid review services depending on your needs and your competition:

  • Level One SEO Review
  • Level Two SEO Review

Level One SEO Review

Our Level One SEO Review is designed for businesses in low-competition sectors not requiring the advanced information contained within our Level Two review.

What is included in the Level One SEO Review:

  • review of site structure
  • review of content wording and structure
  • review of spiderability (the ability of the search engine spider to accurately find and index your pages)
  • review of meta tags and instruction on how to create optimized tags for your site
  • review of incoming links and basic instruction on how to increase and maximize your link building efforts

Click here to order our Level One SEO Review.

Level Two SEO Review

Our Level Two SEO Review is designed for businesses in medium to higher-competition sectors. This review will essentially give you all the tools you need to compete and beat your competition on the search engines.

If attaining high search engine positioning is of extreme importance to your business and you need/want to be able to do the work in-house then this review will provide the information and tools required to do it.

What is included in the Level Two SEO Review:

  • complete analysis of keyword targets
  • review of site structure with detailed instruction on how to maximize or adjust that structure to insure the search engines give priority to the correct content
  • review of meta tags and instruction on how to create optimized tags for your site
  • review of content wording and structure
  • review of spiderability
  • review of incoming links and detailed instruction on how to increase and maximize your link building efforts to improve rankings for multiple pages
  • analysis of competition and breakdown of how your top 3 competitors on the search engines have attained their rankings

Click here to order our Level Two SEO Review.

Robust SEO Packages

SEO Consulting Services

Paid SEO Reviews

If you have requirements outside of what we have listed please feel free to contact us to discuss your website needs. We will evaluate your needs and customize a package to get your business and website to the top of the search engines!

This isn't hype. We've been doing this since 1997.  Please review and select the service below that best suits your unique needs.


















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